Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New riddle

So as some of you know on kgs I had been posting riddles on the user Titania but sadly I am having a hard time keeping up with it since I have to re-log into it and such so to make the work less I will post the riddles here you can still private message me the answers if you want so here is the new riddle.

A certain street contains 100 buildings. They are numbered from 1 to 100. How many 9's are used in these numbers? 


I will release the answer at the end of the week (Friday) and be ready to post a new one on Monday


  1. 1 in every 10 + 10 in nineties = 1*10+10*1=20
    easy one :)

  2. 10 end in 9, 10 start with 9, but 99 gets counted twice and so the answer is 19

  3. sorry I mistook the question for how many houses contain the digit 9. the answer is 20 because house number 99 has 2 9s.
